10.) Vision, Mission and the Cyber World. Despite the advent of modern information and communication technology for which libraries around the world have embraced, the UP Mindanao Library has never lost sight of its vision, mission, goals, and objectives. Adopted from the Library Organic Act and presented at the 15-16 July 2016 University Staff Conference, the Mission of the UP Mindanao Library is that "We are the single most potent instrument by which the University discharges its teaching and research functions in pursuit of truth, knowledge and wisdom." Guided by this Mission, its Vision in the succeeding years is to pursue that "We are the University main depository of knowledge for minds that shape the nation." The University Library and its vicinity is strictly a non-smoking facility, fully air-conditioned with free wifi and comprehensive learning spaces. Access the UP Mindanao Library website ALARM its Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives, at Brochures button at the menu found at the top of this site.